How to Develop a Full Stack Next.js, FastAPI, PostgreSQL App Using Docker

Travis Luong
5 min readDec 12, 2021

This is a continuation of previous tutorials on how to build and deploy a full-stack Next.js, FastAPI, and PostgreSQL app.

Table of Contents

  1. Full Stack Next.js, FastAPI, PostgreSQL Tutorial
  2. How to Build a Full Stack Next.js, FastAPI, PostgreSQL Boilerplate Tutorial
  3. How to Deploy Next.js, FastAPI, and PostgreSQL with Shell Scripts
  4. How to Develop a Full Stack Next.js, FastAPI, PostgreSQL App Using Docker
  5. How to Build a User Authentication Flow with Next.js, FastAPI, and PostgreSQL
  6. How to Test an API with Pytest and Requests

The branch for this tutorial:

The complete project:


Docker is a tool that allows you to run your software in containers. A container is a process and filesystem that is isolated from the processes and filesystem of your host machine. The custom filesystem is provided by a container image. Using docker, you will be able to run your software in…

